

Latest news

First week

First week is behind us. We published a Facebook page which was a great way of sharing the idea and the project with lot of you. We want to thank to all the people from local running community that liked the project and for all the positive feedback we were getting. We are aware that there’s still much to do and much to cover, but the important thing is that it all started. 🙂 We are also really happy that ‘likes’ came from many different countries. It’s our goal to share information with runners from allover the world, help them find a right trail or race in Croatia and to have a great time running with us.

We would also like to thank to all the race organizers who got in contact with us and are helping us build their pages on the website. The same goes for trail sections. We already added some trails from Istria region but more will come soon. We hope to fill some gaps and complete some lists of races (in all categories) and we are already thinking about new features. If you have an idea or you’re missing something on a site, drop us an e-mail.