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GPS Gadgets

i-gotUWe got this two GPS gadgets to play with and we would like to share our thoughts with you…

i-gotU GT-600

The little white box is actually a black box GPS device that you can take with you and forget that you have it. After couple of days (i.e. days, not hours), just download a GPS track and see where you were moving. Although marketed as a travel logger, I think it’s great for looong runs, ultra trails or adventure races. The battery can last from 30 to 240 hours, depending on the sampling frequency (1 sec to 2 minutes). There’s a single button on device that I recommend you disable through software, or else you might accidentally turn the device off (…and you will not have a GPS track of 100 Miles of Istria, for example). It’s obvious that behind the product sits a good software development team who has been thinking about configuration of device and letting you decide how you want to use it. It also has a motion sensor so it doesn’t do anything while it’s not moving (in relation to the Earth, of course) and it’s protected against water immersion (IPX7).

i-gotU GT-900 Pro

The GPS watch is a device that more people are accustomed to – you can put it on your hand and it has a display! 🙂 It can show you all kind of information: where you are, how fast you’re going, what is your altitude, how much altitude you gained… even what is the time. It uses a lithium-polymer battery (upgrade from lithium-ion batteries) and the manufacturer claims that it can work for 24 hours and save up to 200.000 points. It has a barometric altimeter, digital compass and you can pair it via Bluetooth with Heart Rate Monitor or Cadence/Speed Sensor. Lot of this features can be found in other brands, but these are usually pricy top models and if you don’t need The Brand, you can get a lot of functionality for a good price. What I found interesting and appealing is that you can configure multiple display screens (up to 16), each displaying 1-to-4 different information and you get to choose which piece of information is displayed where.

Regarding the quality of logged GPS tracks, I got better GPS track with GT-900 Pro watch, but the GT-600 track was also good enough. Despite some quirks (positioning me at altitude high above Croatian’s highest point?!?) it worked well. Because of that I learned a lot about GPS quirks, why they happen, what is dilution of precision and how to correct or simplify a gpx file. Also note that software that come with devices (@Trip PC) doesn’t display every GPS point so I recommend uploading a track file to one of the online services to see exactly how the track looks like.

For full product specification, prices and other product descriptions check MobileAction website (Croatian or global).