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2nd birthday

Trail Running Croatia is celebrating 2nd birthday! 🙂

TRC has learned to walk. It’s no longer a baby, it’s a child! 🙂 We will continue to be with you in our childish years, we’ll try to recommend you our best trails and find company for running. If you are passing through Zagreb, feel free to stop for a short run on Medvednica, if you have a plan to run some of Croatian races, maybe we can meet there.

It’s always a pleasure to meet foreign runners, exchange some stories and share our passion. In last two years, our website got views from more than 100 countries from all most of the continents (see the map). We are still waiting for a first view from Antarctica (not on a map??). 🙂 More than half of the views come outside of Croatia and we are happy to see this number increasing – it means that people from all over find some interest in trail running in Croatia (I guess not all of these are web crawlers 😉 ).

Thank you. See you somewhere…